
Confira aqui e fique por dentro das últimas notícias sobre o andamento dos trabalhos dos colegiados setoriais das artes da Bahia.


Acesse os formuários, atas, fotos e diversos outros documentos disponibilizados pelo colegiados setoriais das artes da Bahia.


Conheça quem são os conselheiros escolhidos pela sociedade civil para reprsentar cada uma das linguagens das artes na Bahia.

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Como funciona o Colegiado das artes?


The Greyd Plugin offers you a comprehensive set of features for creating and managing professional websites. From powerful extensions for the Block & Site Editor to a feature-rich website management platform with time-saving admin functions.


Discover a new generation of WordPress templates! By fully separating content, design and layout we enable you to use the same template at different places with different content, in different designs and even with different layouts.


Create any type of form with our block-based form generator. From simple contact forms with double opt-in to complex multistep forms with CRM connection, conditions and mathematical calculations, anything is possible!


With Global Content in Greyd.Suite you can use WordPress like a headless CMS. Synchronize content and elements on any number of websites and even across installations. Benefit from massive time savings in content management.

Para que existe?

Todos podem ajudar a cultura a ser mais forte.
Incluindo você.

Como participar

We spent years in the web agency and website creation industry: our biggest challenge was having to start each and every project from scratch.

Como ajudar

Greyd was born in response to the everyday struggles people and businesses face with WordPress, where page builders, themes, and plugins often fall short.